Sep 12: Suro Maekores threatens military action against Yarova
By MAENO LEVA | 12 September 2021 — 10:09 (PTT)
The news of the Yarovan plan to expand military operations on the islands of Latanga came for many people as a surprise after decades of peace. However this announcement has been expected for quite some time by the Tilennan government. Ever since the East Artemian nation got kicked out of the LFN, it has taken a more aggressive stance on the international stage and increased funding for its military activities. This likely meant Yarova would seek more control over the East Tethys, a suspicion that has become reality today.
As a results thousands of native Latangan inhabitants, often families that have lived on these islands for centuries, will be forced to leave their home and seek residence elsewhere. While the Yarovan government has made clear they will provide shelter for these refugees, many Latangans are hesitant to move to Yarova. It is commonly known that these natives face an incredible amount of racism, discrimination and harassment on the mainland and the chance of ending up in poverty are sky high. Furthermore the Yarovan government has shown on multiple occasion that the native islanders are considered second-class citizens and their safety and living conditions are far from a priority for them. Recently Yarova has also reinstated their nuclear tests in the East Tethys. Many international experts call it a vulgar display of power meant to intimidate their opponents in the East Artemian sphere, a conflict in which Latanga has no, and never has had any involvement. To be forced to resort to such barbaric scare tactics is a clear sign of how far Yarova has regressed since its fall-out with their allies.
Suro Maekores opened her speech with assuring the Latangan inhabitants that Tilenno will provide permanent residence for refugees. She went on to state: 'The Tilennan government has for too long allowed Artemian influence in the East Tethys. Their presence was tolerated for as long as the natives' rights, safety and living conditions remained upheld. But now that these powers have shown once again that they have not a grain of respect for the people that we consider to be of our own kind, we are forced to take action against these misconducts.' She continued in a ten minute dissertation of what could only be considered relentless Yarova slander in which she, among other things, called the president a 'heartless pigwhore'. She concluded his speech by giving Yarova a deadline of one week to call-off their plans or military action would be sure to follow.
This is not the first time we will clash with Yarova over this territory. It will mark the 4th time our militaries will fight over control. The first time was during the Yarovan occupation in the late 19th century and then two times more during the Vojisky and Great Kesh War. While successes on the Tilennan front have remained out, the Tilennan reoccupation of Latanga has been in the works for many decades now. With Yarova facing one of its most severe crises in recent decades, Tilennan leaders firmly believe this time a Tilennan victory is in the realm of possibilities.
translation provided by Booble