List of national symbols by country

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A national symbol is a symbol of an entity manifesting itself as a member of the national community, sovereign states, nations or countries in a state of dependency, (con)federation or ethnocultural group considered a nation even if they posses no political autonomy.

National symbols are intended to unite and identify people by creating visual, verbal or iconic representations of the national people, their goals or history. These symbols are rallied around as a part of celebrationsa or expressions of nationalism and are designed to be inclusive of and representative of all people of the national community.

Common Examples

  • Flag or banner
  • Coat of arms
  • Seal or Stamp
  • Head of State, especially a monarch
  • Device or motto
  • National colours
  • National anthems
  • National animals
  • National foods



National Symbol Type Media Notes
Liberation Pennon National Flag File:Govicflag.png Adopted by popular vote after the Govic Revolutionary War, the Liberation Pennon was designed and named by photographer and painter Walz Bautist in 1948. The design rejects the classical tricolour as imperialist while preserving the blue white and gold. The design imitates waves upon a beach while also representing the Merands in blue and Curgovs in gold. Two stars in canton also represent the twin kingdoms, taken from common military symbolism of the period.
Imperial Arms of the Union of the Merands, Curgovs, and Besrans National Coat of Arms Merocurgovina1.png The coat of arms of the Casir and a representation of the noble arm of the country. Though each Casir has his own personal coat of arms, the Arms of the Union were selected as a static representation of the throne in the 19th century. They are styled after the arms of the Casir Joinnes IV in 1814, but are to be changed in the event of the admission or dismissal of any provinces from the union. The Arms of the Union remain one of the most prominent uses of the old imperial tricolour.
"En urn Algody Vuno Aiwins!"
("United Forever in our Prosperity!")
National Motto The national motto was selected by committee during reformation in the 1950s but actually stems from a quote from 18th century nobleman Wilhaim var Stolsing after the annexation of Milescia. Commonly shortened to just "Vuno!"
"Curgovaz, se Slaucz / Daunarslaucz"
("Curgovs, to War!" / "Lightning War")
National Anthem Mero-Curgovina uniquely has two official variations of the national anthem. The original Curgov patriotic song "Curgovaz, se Slaucz" was written in the Ermangairnic period as a marching song, and was later adopted as a partisan song during the Govic Revolutionary War. During the post-revolution reformations, the song was rewritten to remove anti-Merand sentiment. Originally the official march of the new Mero-Curgov military, "Daunarslaucz" replaced the royalist national anthem in 1953.
Ermangairn I National Personification File:Ermie2.jpg Crowned King of Merandy in the 16th century, Ermangairn is regarded as the national personification of Mero-Curgovina for his role in uniting Merandy and Curgovina in the latter half of the Fifty Years' War. He is commonly referred to as the Great or the Conqueror.
Govic National Language Although Mero-Curgovina recognizes several official regional languages and dialects, only Govic is recognized as the official national language.
Marc (γ) National Currency The Marc has been the currency of Mero-Curgovina for nearly one thousand years.
Boar National Animal File:Boar2.jpg The use of the boar as a cultural symbol predates both modern Merandy and Curgovina. The symbol was first found in the crests and armour of Govic warriors in the 7th century, and even earlier through boar skin cloaks. The boar symbolizes fortitude, fertility, community, and connection to the earth. Two white boars flank the country's coat of arms.
Dimar's Eagle National Bird File:Dimareagle.jpg Just as the boar represents Govic culture, Dimar's eagle represents the islands Besra and Milescia. The animal is found across the Eurybian coast. It is represented in the national coat of arms as the heraldic symbol of Besra.


National Symbol Type Media Notes
Realm Banner National Flag New tiperyn flags-03.png The Realm Banner, or Tiperyn Tricolor, is the internationally recognized symbol of Tiperyn as a state. The tricolor represents the wheat fields and golden grasses of Central Tiperyn (gold), the ice capped peaks of the Izerhert Mountain Range and purity of the Tiperyn nation (white), and the heavens (blue). It is adorned with the diamond variation of the Shield of Magdalene, symbolizing the First Apostolic Church. The flag design is a three-point swallowtail, harkening back to Tiperyn's maritime tradition.
Apostolicism National Religion The First Apostolic Church—the institution behind the Messianic ideology Apostolicisim—is the state religion of Tiperyn with the Empress (head of state) as its governor.
"God Ys Vikt Us"
(God is With Us)
National Motto
God's Realm National Anthem
Mary Magdalene National Personification TINTORETTO - Magdalena penitente (Musei Capitolini, Roma, 1598-1602) - copia.jpg Mary Magdalene is widely regarded as the national personification of Tiperyn, playing heavily into Apostolic canon, viewed as the founder of the First Apostolic Church and ancestor of the Empress' bloodline.
Tipsprek (primary), Anglic (secondary) National Language
Realm Airways National Airline Ares Antina 50 Realm Airways-01.png Realm Airways is the flag carrier airline of Tiperyn, as well as the country's oldest and largest airline.
Crown (₢) National Currency
Pouched Jackal National Animal Thylacine2.png The Pouched Jackal and large marsupials in general are highly associated with Tiperyn as its unique ecology and prevalence of marsupials is unique in Artemia.
Black Barn Owl National Bird


National Symbol Type Media Notes
Flag of Rovsnoska National Flag PPflag.png The flag of Rovsnoska is a horizontal tricolor of three equally sized bands of black, green, and white. Black represents the determination of the Rovsnoski people and their historical struggles for independence, green represents the heavy agriculture of Rovsnoska, white represents the strive for eternal peace, and the eagle the national symbol of Rovsnoska. The colors of the Rovsnoski flag originate in the Tsardom of Rovskemlja, with the colors being adopted by the early revolts until its annexation into the Vojiskiy Empire in 1744. The First Republic of Rovsnoska would also adopt the tricolor from 1922 to 1925. During the Marchotov Crisis the tricolor would be flown by Rovsnoski protesters.
Veliki Orao National Symbol File:D7ue6dn-26242eb1-db43-45ed-a272-8aad86e16316 (1) (1) (1).png The Veliki orao or "Great Eagle" is the national symbol of Rovsnoska, a double headed pallid harrier originating as a popular military symbol somewhere in the early Tsardom of Rovskemlja.
"Samo jedinstvo spašava Rovski"
(Only unity saves the Rovski)
National Motto The National Motto comes from the ending lines of the Rovsnoski National however has roots in the Vojiskiy War when Rovsnoski monarchists, republicans, and communists led to the eventual downfall of the First Republic of Rovsnoska and any chance for independence. It is commonly believed that the people of Rovsnoska must be united in a common cause to maintain sovereignty over Rovsnoska.
Rovsnoska Iznad Svega National Anthem Rovsnoska Above All (Rovsnoski: Rovsnoska Iznad Svega) is the current national anthem of Rovsnoska. Rovsnoska Above All was written as a poem by Rovsnoski war hero, Krešimir Jambrešić during the yearlong war between Rovsnoska and the Vojiskiy Empire in 1744. Rovsnoski freedom fighters and paramilitaries such as the Legija would continue to sing this song. In 1989 Rovsnoska Above All was deemed as the anthem of the National Rovsnoski Legion, of which would later lead Rovsnoski forces during the Rovski-Zaporizhian Separation and become the ruling party of Rovsnoska.
Mother Rovsnoska National Personification File:Wp6903417 (1).jpeg Rovsnoska has traditionally been personified in Mother Rovsnoska. In the Rovsnoski language, the concept of motherland is rendered by two terms: place of birth, or fatherland.
Kuna (Kr.) National Currency File:ROVSNOSKIMONEY.png


National Symbol Type Media Notes
Flag of Lestykhol National Flag LestykholFlag.png The Flag of Lestykhol, or Kholak Tricolor, is a Green/White/Red horizontal tricolor flag with a cross of the Patriarchate created during the Kholak War of Independence. The Green symbolizes the Taiga of southern Lestykhol, while the white symbolizes the snow of the tundra. The red symbolizes the blood shed to secure freedom and victory from the Vojiskiy Empire.
Svogda Patriarchate National Religion Russian Orthodox cross 1.gif The Svogda Patriarchate is the state religion of Lestykhol.
"Защищено Богом и Мечом"
(Protected by God and Sword)
National Motto The National Motto has its origins in the titular "God and Sword" speech given by Rovsninskiy Volkachev, the first Ataman of Lestykhol as part of the Kholak declaration of independence in 1919.
March of the Kholaks National Anthem Credited to (Russian dude), this instrumental anthem originated as a folk song that inspired the Kholak fighting spirit.
Lady Jannoshka National Personification File:Horselady.jpg Jannoshka is widely regarded as the national personification of Lestykhol, playing heavily into Kholak legend as the first Kholak woman to tame a horse.
Yarovan National Language Although East Slavic was the language of Pre-Imperial tribesmen, the spoken language of the Kholaks changed to Yarovan as they were assimilated under the Guberniya.
KulAir National Airline File:KulAir2.png KulAir is the flag carrier airline of Lestykhol. It is the only major airline in the country.
Kryvnia (ϕ) National Currency File:KryvniaBanknote.png
Horse National Animal Honse.jpg The Horse (breed will be determined later) has played an important role in Kholak history as companions and cavalry.
Blackbird National Bird File:Blackbirb.jpg Widely recognized as the "Songbird of Lestykhol," the Blackbird is the national bird due to its cultural significance in Kholak music.
Shed Roast National Food File:Schedrost.jpg Shed Roast is the national dish of Lestykhol. It is a goulash traditionally made with venison and served on special occasions and gatherings. It symbolizes the variety of Kholak cuisine and the sense of community.



National symbols of the Republic of Chezzetcook include:

National Symbol Type Media Notes
National Flag and Emblem ChezzetcookFlag.png
Ovancian: L'union fait la force
Anglic: Strength through Unity
National Motto
Ave Maris Stella National Anthem
Marianne National Personification
National Languages
Aéromaritime National Airline
Livre National Currency
Shining Rose National Flower
Pine Squirrel National Animal
Seahawk National Bird
Northern Lobster National Aquatic Animal


See more: Kayan National Symbols

National symbols of the Harmonious Society of Kaya include:

National Symbol Type Media Notes
National Flag and Emblem File:Kaya current flag.png The flag and emblem of Kaya are instantly recognisable symbols world wide
Altruism, Righteousness, Loyalty National Motto
xxx National Anthem
Kayan National Language
Kaya Air Services (KAS) National Airline File:Ares gesina Kaya trans-01.png
Won National Currency
Southern Hibiscus National Flower
Unicorn Deer National Animal
Black swan National Bird
Octopus National Aquatic Animal


National Symbol Type Media Notes
National Flag Shenewa flag 2.png
National Coat of Arms Shenewan crest.png
"Teshato Rate Nge Noine"
("Ancient as the seas")
National Motto
"Mēhe o te keateaka kue wehe etu"
("March of the departing guardsman")
National Anthem(s)
National Personification Shenewa personification.jpg
Keumoine National Languages
National Airline
Noshawa National Currency
Tehuilotl Stork National Animal Tehuilotl Stork.png


National symbols of The Free Lands of Tavaluda include:

National Symbol Type Media Notes
Sun's Banner Peacetime Flag File:Tavaluda Peace.png One of the two national flags of Tavaluda, flown in times of peace; the white sun charge represents the nation's native religion, Zovatêle, more specifically, the Sun goddess Sês-Segol; The yellow color is representative of peace and trade, as well as Sês-Segol's blessings (as indicated by the center of the sun charge being yellow). The red coloring, on the peacetime flag, represents fertility and the "flowing lifeblood" of the Tavaludan people.
Moon's Banner Wartime flag File:Tavaluda War.png One of the two national flags of Tavaluda, flown in times of war; the white sun charge represents the nation's native religion, Zovatêle, more specifically, the Sun goddess Sês-Segol; The black color is representative of war and death, as well as the Small Moon (and war) god Kal-Vêlas̄u's protection (as indicated by the center of the sun charge being black, representing an "eclipse", the moon "protecting" the Sun); it also serves a role as a symbol of mourning the dead, having been used as a symbol of resilience, not letting those who died die in vain. The red coloring, on the wartime flag, represents the blood of the Tavaludan people, and its soldiers, as well as the spilt blood of its adversaries.
Great Shield National Coat of Arms Tavaluda COA.png
Zovatêle National Religion File:Tavaluda Zovatêle.png The native polytheistic religion of Tavaluda.

Symbol description:

  • The golden sun rays represent the High Sun goddess Sês-Segol
  • The white circle represents the High Large-Moon god (the moon Selene), the white dragon Kal-Vêlas̄al.
  • The black within the trident represents the High Small-Moon god (the moon Eos), the black dragon Kal-Vêlas̄u.
  • The trident has several symbolic meanings:
    1. The High Trinity of the aforementioned High Gods
    2. Its black coloring is a reference to Kal-Vêlas̄u being a god of war, providing protection.
    3. The prongs, while moving in different directions, are linked at the base of the trident head, symbolizing how the three gods are connected by their marriage.
      • This is also the significance of the golden sun encapsulating both the white and the black, as the differences between the masculine, quite literally black-and-white, Moon gods are tempered, and are brought together by the "embrace" of the feminine Sun goddess, who is associated with peace.




National Symbol Type Media Notes
"Kreuz mit Schild"
("Cross with Shield")
National Flag and Emblem ALV-Actual-Flag.png
"Gott mit uns"
(God with us)
National Motto The motto was first used in medieval Goetia in several religious orders.
Rufst du, mein Vaterland?/
Heil dir im Siegerkranz

("Call'st thou, my Fatherland?")/
("Hail to Thee in the Victor's Crown")
National Anthem(s) Alva has two anthems. Rufst du, mein Vaterland?, the national anthem, was written in 1813 as a marching tune for artillerymen. Two years after its adoption in 1965 as the new national anthem of Alva, its lyrics were changed to a less militaristic tone. Heil dir im Siegerkranz, today the royal anthem, was from Alva's founding in 1853 to 1965 the sole national anthem. It was the former national anthem for the Goetic Empire. Both anthems use the same tune.
Goetia National Personification Germania figur.jpg Goetia is widely regarded as the national personification of Alva, as well as the former Goetic Empire.
National Languages
LuftAlva National Airline LuftAlva is the flag carrier airline of Alva, as well as the country's oldest and largest airline.
Mark (ℳ) National Currency The modern Alvak Mark replaced the earlier Reichsmark in 1981, which had been in use since independence.
Reichsadler National Animal Wappen Deutsches Reich - Reichsadler 1889.svg The Reichsadler had already been introduced the 18xx Proclamation of Vallanse, although the first version had been only a provisional one. The design of the eagle was altered at least twice during the Goetic Empire (1833–1925). It shows the imperial eagle, a comparatively realistic black eagle, with the crown of the Kingdom of Goetia. The eagle has a red beak, tongue and claws, with open wings and feathers.


National Symbol Type Media Notes
Imperial Flag National Flag Flag of Kodeshia.png The National Imperial Flag, is the internationally recognized symbol of Kodeshia as a state.
Imperial Emblem National Coat of Arms Emblem of Kodeshia.png The Imperial Emblem, is the internationally recognized symbol of Kodeshia as a state along with recognized symbol of the Imperial family and Kodeshi Emperor.
Shangxuan Xuanism National Religion Bagua-x2di.svg Shangxuan Xuanism is the state religion of Kodeshia with the Kodeshi Emperor is considered the Tianren or Person of Heaven and protector of Xuanism and Kodeshi civilisation.
Mínzú, tǒngyī, huángdì!
(Nation, Unity, Emperor!)
National Motto
Sòng huáng guóqí!
(Praise the Imperial Flag!)
National Anthem "Praise the Imperial Flag!" is the national anthem of Kodeshia. The lyrics of the anthem are an expression of loyalty and devotion to the emperor and the imperial flag.
Wahuang National Personification File:观世音菩萨 (195311945).jpeg Wahuang is widely regarded as the national personification of Kodeshia, foundation myths of the first ancient semi-mythological Ying'guo dynasty she is considered the mother goddess of Kodeshi civilisation.
Guoyu National Language File:Guoyu.png Although Kodeshia recognizes several official regional languages and dialects, only Guoyu is recognized as the official national language.
Kodeshia Airlines National Airline Kodeshia Airlines Logo.png Kodeshia Airlines is the national carrier airline of Kodeshia.
Huizi (Hz; 會子) National Currency The modern Huizi replaced the earlier Jiaozi of the Guoist regime in 1965, it traces back to the historical pre-revolutionary Guanzi.
Imperial Water Dragon National Animal Real Lanthanotus borneensis.jpg The Imperial Water Dragons in general are highly associated with Kodeshia and North Eastern Kesh considered extremely important to the Emperor of Kodeshia.
Spotted Kingfisher National Bird Actenoides lindsayi -Philippines -male-8.jpg The Spotted Kingfisher is endemic to the Kodeshia and it is the national bird.
Plum Blossom National Flower Prunus mume 5.jpg The Plum Blossom is also been one of the most beloved flowers in Kodeshi culture. The plum blossom is symbol for resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity, because plum blossoms often bloom most vibrantly even amidst the harsh winter snow.