Hwangji Armed Forces

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Hwangji Armed Forces
쇠고기 수프
Badge of the Hwangji Armed Forces
Service branches File:HwangjiArmyFlag.png Army
File:HwangjiNavalGuard.png Naval Guard
File:CorpsOfRoyalMarineFlag.png Corps of Royal Marines
File:HwangjiAirGuardFlag.png Air Guard
Headquarters Ministry of Defence, Seulgwang
Website hwa.mil
Queen Coat of Arms of Hwangchu.png Gyeon Mee-Yon
Prime Minister Flag of Hwangchu.png Seok Myung-Dae
Minister of Defence File:HwangjiMilitaryFlag.png Jae Daek-Son
Chief of General Staff File:HwangjiNavalGuard.png Admiral Seo Hoe
Military age 17
Conscription No
Active personnel 480,000
Reserve personnel 53,000
Budget $98.9 billion
Percent of GDP 4.2%
Domestic suppliers Daewhan Corporation
Cheunal Corporation
Seongsal Heavy Industries
Obaek Solutions
Foreign suppliers Chezzetcock



As the monarch and the chief of state, Queen Gyeon Mee-Yon acts as Head of the Armed Forces and Commander in Chief under the 1983 Act of Defence which detailed de jure complete power to the monarch as head of the military. However, convention over the years dating back to the 1910s has vested de facto power to that of the Prime Minister, Parliament and the General Staff who make the key decisions in how to use the armed forces, structure them and arm them to carry out their functions. Despite that, the Queen remains the ultimate power, officers and other personnel are required to make an Oath of Duty to that of the Queen. Such powers have recently come under scrutiny by some members of the pbulic following the death of King Gyeon So-Jung.

The Ministry of Defence is the governmental body and the highest level of military headquarters at which defence policy is executed for the armed forces. It employs a total of 84,000 civilian personnel from the Hwangji Civil Service and other organisations as well as 200 military personnel who liaise with the Ministry of Defence for the various services and military departments. The department is controlled by the Minister of Defence, typically held by an ex-military officer, and contains 4 deputy ministerial appointments: Minister for Defence Acquisitions, Minister for Defence against Selengeria, Minister for Veterans Affairs and Minister for the Armed Forces. Management of the armed forces is typically delegated to a number of committees known as "Staffs" made up of either military or civilian personnel including: Defence Staff, Armed Forces Staff, Defence Acquisitions and Management Staff and the four single-service staffs. The highest of these is the Defence Staff, chaired by the Minister of Defence and containing the Chief and Vice Chief of the General Staff, the senior officers who lead the four single-service staff as well as the 5 Ministers of Defence. The Defence Staff is regarded as the "formal organisation who conduct and manage the armed forces for defence of the realm".

The Chief of the General Staff is the professional head of the Armed Forces and as an appointment can only be given to either a general, admiral or air chief marshal. The CGS as well as the permanent secretary for defence, are the primary advisors to the Minister of Defence. Before 2016, all CGS had either been part of the Air Guard, Naval Guard and the Corps of Royal Marines as a result of the suspicion held towards the Army for their actions during the Republic era. This changed when General Hwa Myung-Ki became the first Chief of General Staff from the Army. The four services have their own professional chiefs: the Naval Chief of Guard, the Air Chief of Guard, the Marine Chief Commandant and the Army Commanding Chief.


The Hwangji Army is the nation's primary ground warfare service, large and equipped with an array of modern weaponry, the Army contains most of the country's land warfighting capabilities. For a long period, the Army became ostracised from the defence of the Kingdom as a result of their participation in the military government during the Republic era. Despite this, the Army is still by far the largest of the services in response to heavy Selengerian forces on it's borders and the threat of Tiperyn intervention.

The Army is divided into 3 major army commands: the Corps of the South, the Corps of the Center and Central Army Command. Each of the Commands has their own respective Divisions under them to provide them the ability to respond appropriately to Selengerian aggression. The Corps of the Souths is responsible for the Army's deployment to Kodeshia with majority of the most modern and capable equipment being concentrated in it's ally to coordinate military actions with Akiteiwa and Kodeshua, The Corps of the Center is responsible for the defence of the homeland, preventing incursions into Hwangji territory as well as internal security. Central Command is responsible for the organisation of regional reserve commands and a number of logistical and administrative apparatus.

The Army itself is led by the Army Commanding Chief, a 4 star geneneral position, supported by his Army Commanding Chief of Staff and the Royal Sergeant Senior of the Army.

The Army suffered severe reductions upon the arrival of the new government and had it's numbers culled in order to properly fund new projects for the Naval and the Air Guard and rearrange the defence of the realm to give the Naval and Air Guard greater prominence.

Air Guard

The Air Guard is the nation's air warfare service and is equipped with a variety of advanced air combat systems to deter threats from the Tiperyn Realm Defence Force and the Selengerian Military. The Hwangji Air Guard maintains a fleet of around 760 aircraft of which 380 are combat aircraft of mostly Chezzetcook design along with a few domestic systems recently developed and implemented. The force had recently begun to transition to gaining compatibility to Aikei and Kodeshi aircraft by fitting their systems with modules to permit usage of ordnance from those countries.

The Air Guard is headed by the Air Chief of Guard who commands the force and details out future air force policy, in turn he is supported by the Air Ensign of Guard who assists the Chief of Guard as well as the Air Technical Chief who functions as the senior enlisted advisor.

The Air Guard has recently been focused on developing indigenous combat aircraft to supplement their aging systems from Chezzetcook, potential programs in joint production of aircraft between Akiteiwa had been discussed as well as the ongoing Hwangchu Helicopter Support Program developed to replacing their aging helicopters which have been in service since the 1970s. The Air Guard also provides Hwangchu's primary Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear capability in the form of the Air Guard Grenadiers who function as CBRN Specialists and as the ground defence force for the Air Guard.

The Air Guard also provides a special forces component of 1 Command who controls the Tactical Air Control Groups, Force Rescue Commandos and the Special Operations Aviation Wings who provide air operation support for the Inter-service Special Operations Force. 1 Command also administratively controls the Air Guard Commandos, who provide support to special operations elements.

The Air Guard is widely broken down into 7 Commands: 3 Command (Air Combat), 15 Command (Air Logistics and Support), 7 Command (Space Operations), 10 Command (Ground Operations), 19 Command (Engineering, Medical and Communications), 1 Command (Special Operations) and 116 Command (Training).

Naval Guard

The Naval Guard is a large and technologically advanced naval force, as of June 2022 it consisted of 184 commissioned ships with an additional 32 operated by the Naval Auxiliary Guard. The HNG consists of 62,264 regular personnel with a further 12,714 reserve personnel.

The Hwangji Naval Guard includes the Hwangji Naval Headquarters, Hwangji Naval Fleet, Hwangji Naval Special Operations Brigade, Hwangji Naval Air Service and the Hwangji Naval Auxiliary Guard. The Naval Chief of Guard is the highest ranking naval officer in the Hwangji Naval Guard and organises the administration of organising, deploying, supplying and mobilising the Naval Guard. The NCG is supported by the Naval Adjutant of Guard who organises the administration of equipping, recruiting and training the Naval Guard. The Naval Fleet is the highest level of command in the Naval Guard and is commanded the Chief of the the Fleet, an appointment typically given to a Vice Admiral. They are also both supported by the Royal Petty Officer, the senior enlisted advisor for the Navy.

The Naval Fleet consists of a varied amount of warships including an aircraft carrier, amphibious warfare ships, destroyers, frigates, corvettes, patrol vessels, mine countermeasure ships, attack submarines and various other vessels. The Naval Fleet has been structured around 3 different fleets: The Sahkeda Bay Fleet, Gweongjji Straits Fleet and the Haemin Bay Fleet. Of recent, the Naval Guard commissioned 4 Great Gwanjji-Class Destroyers fitted with the Akiteiwa designed Matsumura Combat System .

Since the 1990s, the Naval Guard had become the primary focus for expansion as the navy gained more political power following the collapse of the Army's influence following the Yellow Revolution. The plans to create a blue-water fleet based around a replacement aircraft carrier had been drawn up by 1994 with the plans for new classes of destroyers, frigates, submarines, the creation of the first amphibious warfare ships and the creation of a powerful logistics fleet known as the Auxiliary Guard. The resulted in the commissioning of the lead ships for a new class of better equipped and more ocean going navy starting with GHS Ohsan, a 4,200 ton frigate, launched in 1999; the 16,000 ton amphibious warfare ship, GHS Baekd, launched in 2003; in 2007, the Naval Guard received delivery of 4 modern Sphyraena Class attack submarines from Chezzetcook. In 2005, the Naval Guard also commissioned the first of it's new 9,500 ton Chaesong the Great-Class Destroyers. In 2009, the aircraft carrier GHS Jo Seon-Gil was launched and commissioned in 2011 as a replacement for GHS Haebyung which was soon scrapped.

In 2018, despite much protest from the Selengerians, the Hwangji Naval Guard completed construction of a naval based called the Cheolyin Naval Guard Facility in order to solidify control over the the Sahkeda Bay and protect their sea lines of communication and fishing fleets from the Selengerians. To support their mass increase, the Naval Guard also founded the Naval Auxiliary Guard and transferred their logistics vessels to the force. They commissioned the first of their 12,000 ton Paeljung-Class Fleet Support Vessels as well as bringing out a few former vessels from the reserve. The Naval Guard continues it's upgrade programs with the Hwangji Replacement Corvette, the Hwangji Domestic Submarine and Domestic Amphibious Transport programs.

The Hwangji Naval Special Operations Brigade is the special forces component of the Naval Guard and it controls the underwater dive teams as well as the Navy's Special Tactical Boat Groups. The Brigade is typically commanded by a HO-6 Commodore.

Corps of Royal Marines

The Corps of Royal Marines are the maritime amphibious service of the Armed Forces, founded originally in 1915 as the Hwangji Marine Troops Battalion, the service is considered the most prestigious of the 4 services and holds and elevated status in Hwangji culture as a result of their performance in the Hwangchu-Selengerian War as well as their role in the Yellow Revolution. The Marines consists of a regular force of 12,809 with a reserve force of 2,542 Marines along with civilian personnel.

The service primarily functions as the expeditionary and strategic reserve force for the Armed Forces, it also functions as Hwangji's primary ground force contribution to the [insert military alliance] along with Kodeshia and Akiteiwa. The Corps of Royal Marines holds a close relationship with the Naval Guard whom it was part of for most of it's history until it became a separate service in 2009. The Marine Corps maintains 2 brigades, No. 1 Commando Brigade and No. 6 Commando Brigade.

The Corps of Royal Marines is commanded by the Marine Chief Commandant, a 4 star position and highest ranking Marine officer. The Marine Chief Commandant is supported by the Marine Chief Vice Commandant, a 3 star position who assists the Marine Chief Commandant and the Royal Marine Royal Sergeant Senior who acts as the senior enlisted advisor to the Marine Chief Commandant. The Marine Chief Commandant is also double hatted as Ground Commander, Straits Command which was created in 2004 following the Daeiksu Incident.

Expeditionary Forces

Equipment and Uniform






File:G2 tank.jpg
Viper Brigade G2 tanks operating in Kodeshia during the late 90s during a manoeuvre exercise.

The Hwangji Armed Forces largely splits it's ground and aerial forces between Hwangchu and Kodeshia. Hwangji forces have been present in Kodeshia ever since the early 90s with the deployment of the Viper Brigade, although this was soon increased in size with the 1st Armoured Division being permanently stationed in the country. However, by the early 2000s with increasingly strained relations as a result of a number of incidents over control of the Sahkeda Bay, the Hwangji Armed Forces began deploying an increasingly number of troops to Kodeshia until an entire Corps was based in the country by 2009.

Kodeshia is home to most of Hwangchu's heavy forces, consolidated in Joint Command Shiangzi. JCS is centered around the Army's Corps of the Center, the most heavy equipped unit in the Hwangji Army and tasked with the breakthrough in central Selengeria in the event of a war, as well as the Air Guard's Kodeshi Air Command. Joint Command Shiangzi also has command over local Kodeshi forces including an infantry division and a pair of Kodeshi Fighter Squadrons. The force in Kodeshia numbers around 142,000 men and women as well as 177 fighter aircraft and 628 main battle tanks.


Royal Marine from Marine Combat Team 3 operating in Komishima with a G44 Rifle in 2021.

Recently, Hwangchu has deployed forces to Komishima acting as a deterrence to local Tiperyn forces in support of Akitei forces. This force is largely provided by the Royal Marines with a permanent garrison provided by Marine Combat Team 3 with aerial support provided by the Naval Guard's No. 271 Naval Air Squadron who operate MR-87 helicopters.

Joint Command Komishima also retains command of a rotating naval task force that regularly deploys to Komishima as part of Hwangchu's defence obligation to the League. This naval task force traditionally consists of a frigate and a number of brigs and mine countermeasure ships.