Foreign Relations of Shenewa

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Shenewan foreign policy strategy documents characterise the current global system as a multi-polar but globalising one. Within this system, whilst the great powers continue to hold large amounts of hard power, there is room of manoeuvre by middle and rising powers in the vacuums between powers and blocs. Shenewa's goal within this system is to create the conditions that will allow its economic and political rise to continue.

Shenewa sees itself as being uniquely placed to be a "bridging power" between poles, sharing a border with KTEC, the NSC and being a member of ECOSEAS. In addition, it possesses cultural ties between sections of its population and many other countries, notably the Tavic nations and Theyka which it seeks to leverage for diplomatic gain.

The same documents characterise communism as a revisionist ideology, seeking to overthrow the world order within which Shenewa is seeking to rise and a threat to the Shenewan constitution and state. Therefore, limiting the influence and spread of expansionist communism is an important Shenewan foreign policy objective. However, a distinction is drawn between militant communist states who could pose a threat to Shenewan itself, and merely structurally communist states, which are unlikely to promote revolution abroad.

Modern Relations


Shenewa's geopolitical ambitions focus on Avalonia and particularly becoming a key "agenda setting nation" in Avalonia.

In the Ingonian, Shenewa has managed to secure a position as a key player as part of the (Ingonian Pact), with New Valentina, Ringerike and Sannlibo and by building on the so-called "partnership of brothers" (Keumoine: meha teha e nge tuekene) with Theyka, aiming to leverage cultural and economic ties to maximise Shenewan diplomatic influence. Through its position, Shenewa aims to facilitate free trade and stability in the Ingonian, both to secure its "eastern flank" from a security standpoint and to ensure continued economic growth, as a tool to promote internal stability and to build Shenewan influence. Shenewa is generally deemed to have achieved these goals in the Ingonian, although some scholars question how much of that is from their own efforts as opposed to simply being a consequence of global trends.

In Central Avalonia, the Shenewan diplomatic service assesses its success in securing the second "lower pillar" as limited. The region remains an "anarchic arena of competing states and alliances in which few can be identified as key players", as was stated in the foreign policy review of 2010. In other documents, the area was dubbed Shenewa's "gaping western flank, open to foreign influence and without key agenda drivers" (although some scholars have questioned the accuracy of this assessment). In this area, Osorra is viewed with particular suspicion and as unique problem, both due to its history of nuclear use (against Tilenno in 1982) and due to its more recent overthrow of the Tsar. Therefore, limiting Osorrai power and influence, in particular Osorrai capability to reacquire nuclear weapons, has been identified as a key goal in the region.

Country Status Current state of relations Embassy maintained Visa Requirement
 Argata Friendly Partners under the Tavic Accords. Yes No
 Arroyo-Abeille Neutral Yes Yes
Template:Country data Arum Friendly Affairs with Arum are managed through ECOSEAS and the Shenewan embassy in SiWallqanqa No No
 Badzevalari Friendly Partners under the Tavic Accords. Yes No
 Baileneu Ma Friendly Both bound by ECOSEAS travel and visa agreements. Yes No
 Brigantica Friendly Both bound by ECOSEAS travel and visa agreements. Yes No
 Cervera Friendly Both bound by ECOSEAS travel and visa agreements. Yes No
 Chezzetcook Friendly Both bound by ECOSEAS travel and visa agreements. Yes No
 Confederate States of Northern Avalonia Strained Within Shenewa C.S.N.A is largely seen as the largest potential threat to Shenewan trade in the Ingonian. Yes Yes
 Hosuman Neutral No No
 Kaya Neutral Yes Yes
 Jinhang Neutral Affairs with Jinhang are managed through ECOSEAS and the Shenewan embassy in SiWallqanqa No No
 New Valentina Neutral Whilst there is a degree of suspicion of New Valentina and dislike of it within Shenewa, relations between the two states have been stable for decades. New Valentina and Shenewa have agreements to facilitate Shenewans working in New Valentina for brief periods (day/week pass). Yes Yes
 Osorra Strained Relations between Osorra and Shenewa have been strained since Shenewa gave refuge to banished Osorran royalist elements. Yes Yes
 Pukara Friendly Affairs with Pukara are managed through ECOSEAS and the Shenewan embassy in SiWallqanqa No No
 Santa Magdalena Neutral Both bound by ECOSEAS travel and visa agreements. Yes Yes
 Sinaya Friendly Both bound by ECOSEAS travel and visa agreements. Yes No
 SiWallqanqa Friendly Both bound by ECOSEAS travel and visa agreements. Yes No
 Tavaluda Friendly Partners under the Tavic Accords. Yes No
 Theyka Friendly Theykan citizens can travel visa free in Shenewa for up to 60 days in every 365 day period. Yes No
 Vefovadîse Friendly Partners under the Tavic Accords. Yes No
 Zahava Friendly Both bound by ECOSEAS travel and visa agreements. Yes No


Shenewa's foreign policy in Artemia is driven by two goals: firstly to moderate Artemian influence in Avalonia and secondly to establish robust economic relationships.

Unlike some Avalonian states (notably Zahava), Shenewa does not perceive Artemian involvement in Avalonian geopolitics as inherently problematic. Indeed, it sees Artemian nations as potentially useful partners in pursuing Shenewa's own interests. So, rather than seeking to counter Artemian influence, Shenewan foreign policy focuses instead on trying to shape it and direct it in a way beneficial to Shenewa.

Country Status Current state of relations Embassy maintained Visa Requirement
 Gardarike Neutral Yes No
 Ringerike Friendly Yes No
 Sannlibo Friendly Yes No
 Tiperyn Neutral Yes Yes


Shenewa's primary interests in Kesh are economic. Consequently, its foreign policy on the continent is primarily driven by a desire to build and develop robust trading relationships. It also expresses an interest in continued stability on the continent, particularly in the east along the Kodeshi-Selengerian-Akitei border, to ensure the continued viability of these economic ties although it recognises that its ability to influence affairs in Kesh is limited.

Country Status Current state of relations Embassy maintained Visa Requirement
 Akiteiwa Neutral Yes Yes
 Kodeshia Friendly Yes Yes


Hyberia does not often feature in Shenewan foreign policy strategy, as Shenewa has little contact with the region economically and no reason to involve itself politically.

International Organisations


Ingonian Pact

Extended Skagerrak Dialogues

See Also